Thursday, August 18, 2011

My friend and I like the same girl and she likes us both. But now she isn't talking to either of us.......?

So a girl I liked asked me over for dinner and to watch movies. She made me dinner and dessert and then we snuggled in bed and watched movies. When I left I gave her a kiss goodnight to end a night I thought went great. I find out that my friend has been desperately trying to get with her and they had a date on Monday (which was 3 days after I hung out with her). To make things more awkward she invited her best friend (a girl), my friend, and I to her house the next night. I left a couple hours into the night and told her how weird I thought it was. A couple days later she had this date with my friend but she invited me to come. Along with one of her close "guy friends". I declined to go by texting her that it would be too awkward..... So I find out from my friend that she likes us both a lot but for different reasons. I'm the "nice guy who's super cut" and he's the really "funny" one. So now the problem is that she doesn't want to talk to either of us since she's feels caught in a weird "situation". What is going to happen now? Can anyone interpret why she was doing this and what will happen between us in the future? I'm crazy about this girl.....

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